Maxima scrubber dryer: made to last

Fimap Spa is a national and international leader in the design and production of professional floor-cleaning machines. Fimap offers several models of scrubber dryers and sweepers, vacuum cleaners and single disc machines, to meet any kind of cleaning need, equipped with technological solutions that allow to achieve high hygiene levels, respecting the environment and reducing costs. In the last 10 years Fimap has brought to the market significant innovations, designing a range of high quality machines, built with the best components, combined with the finest design, featuring technological solutions able to totally change the perspective on professional cleaning, through connectivity and digitization.
Maxima scrubber dryer: made to last
Maxima is a sturdy scrubber dryer, built with robust materials and the best components, which increase reliability over time. The touch display makes function activation very intuitive. Everything is managed through the iD – intelligent Drive, with which the operator can set customized cleaning programs, reduce the use of resources and watch video tutorials to resolve any doubts or uncertainties. Working autonomy is a plus: batteries give up to 4 hours non-stop running time, while the large tank capacity reduces downtimes necessary to fill up and empty the tanks.
Moreover, the water recycling system FLR – Fimap Long Range, available upon request, filters and cleans water, to make it available again, thus increasing productivity up to 70%.
Fregadora de pavimentos Maxima: hecha para durar
Maxima es una fregadora de pavimentos sumamente robusta, fabricada con materiales resistentes y los mejores componentes, para aumentar la fiabilidad a lo largo del tiempo. Gracias a la pantalla táctil, la activación de las funciones resulta extremadamente intuitiva. Todo esto se gestiona a través del sistema iD – intelligent Drive, que propone además programas de limpieza personalizables o de bajo consumo, y vídeos tutoriales para ayudar al operador en caso de duda. En lo que concierne a la autonomía de trabajo, puede funcionar durante 4 horas sin interrupciones, y cuenta con los tanques más amplios de su categoría, los cuales reducen los tiempos pasivos generados por las paradas para el vaciado y el llenado. Se puede solicitar también la instalación del sistema de reciclaje FLR, que filtra el agua recogida y la deja nuevamente disponible, aumentando la productividad hasta el 70%.