Single disc floor machine

TMB was founded in 1980 as manufacturer of wet & dry vacuum cleaners and carpet extractors. Giancarlo Ruffo, the successful entrepreneur and charismatic owner of Comac, became interested in the company and acquired it in September 2000. In September 2011, the company was finally relocated from Lodi to the Ruffo family’s historical manufacturing site in San Giovanni Lupatoto, just outside Verona. This was a long awaited, strategic choice that marks an important milestone: TMB’s full integration into the Ruffo family’s brands both from a logistics and manufacturing point of view. In recent years TMB has developed several products in the commercial, professional and industrial field. The range includes industrial and commercial vacuum cleaners, wet&dry vacuum cleaners and single disc machines. A wide selection of accessories allows to customize each model to have always the most effective answer to any cleaning needs.
TFO is the latest stage in the evolution of TMB’s orbital technology. A floor machine weighing 50 kg, with 1400 oscillations per minute, it is compatible with the entire range of specialty attachments for the treatment of different surfaces such as concrete, Gres, marble, linoleum, carpet, granite and wood. Thanks to the development of VRS (Vibrations Reduction System), TFO offers a level of superior comfort during use compared with traditional floor machines, reducing user fatigue for all applications.
TFO representa la evolución de la tecnología orbital TMB. Es un monocepillo de 50 Kg y 1400 oscilaciones por minuto, apto pata utilizar toda la gama de accesorios predispuestos para el tratamiento de los diferentes tipos de superficies: cemento, gres, mármol, linóleo, moqueta, granito y madera. El sistema VRS (Vibrations Reduction System) brinda un excelente confort durante el uso, también superior a lo de una normal abrillantadora, garantizando menor fatiga para el operador, durante todos los tipos de tratameintos.